(A/D - Move   W - Jump   Spacebar - Dash   Mouse - Aim   LeftMouseClick - Fire)

STORY: "A year ago, Rhett saved an innocent planet from certain destruction by a giant wall-like beast, restoring peace and life to the planet. Or so he thought...

Rhett's life bullets were made by Rhett himself, but unfortunately, he made them wrong, accidentally adding an unwanted side effect. Now, Rhett must eradicate every living thing on the planet by blowing it up entirely before the disease he created could spread to other galaxies."

Huge thanks to those who support me and give me feedback. This game is my second game ever and it may glitch a few times but that's okay, if you have any feedback let it all spill out in either a video, comment, or review. It will be GREATLY appreciated.

Pease help support me so I can make my lifelong goal of telling stories a reality.

Development log


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(1 edit)


Thank you.

A great game, this is definately a potential winner in the Super MV Gamejam. I love the animated cutscenes, if I was to criticize anything and this is pretty much a preference thing is the controls are awkward for me, but i have odd control preferences :) Keep it up 

Thank you for your review. I will definitely keep it up. I'm pretty bad at picking controls, so I'm thinking of maybe adding three control options.

It's good just fix the hitbox collisions.

(3 edits)

Thank you. As for the hitbox collisions, I'll try to fix it.

very good game

Thank you so much❤️